Official Website of Trynda E. Adair

Category: Video (Page 3 of 5)

Authortube Editing Tag

Hi everyone, Trynda here.

Today, I’m bringing you the Authortube Editing Tag and I got this tag from Julian Greystoke.

1. What is your favorite thing about editing a manuscript?

I think my favorite thing about editing a manuscript is seeing how far I’ve improved my writing skills. From draft to draft, I like being able to see my improvements and how I’ve changed my manuscript.

2. What is your least favorite thing about editing a manuscript?

I think my least favorite thing about editing a manuscript is just seeing the horrible sludge that comes out of my brain sometimes.

3. Would you prefer to edit a short story or a novel? Why?

I prefer editing short stories just because they are shorter in general and I find it easier to cut things away than to add things like plot lines and structure that would complete a whole novel in general and I have a little bit more experience with writing short stories.

4. How long does your editing process take on average?

If it’s a short story, I’d say my editing process takes about two days through all the different drafts and then I’d say that that’s about average for how long I spend per scene on my manuscripts as well.

5. What is the first thing you do when editing?

The first thing I do when editing is to read through it to make sure I’m not missing any scenes, I’m not missing any major details and just fixing some of the global problems that I see with my manuscript.

6. What is the last thing you do when editing?

The last thing I do when editing is to go through the grammar and the diction and all the little tiny modifications that I make along with gender pronouns and other very specific things to the story for window dressing, as some would put it.

7. Why does editing matter to you?

Editing matters to me because it shows that you’ve put effort into your work and that you have a sense of pride. You want it to be the best it can be and it’s not just something that you pump out of your brain and toss it to the side for others to read.

8. Do you prefer editing to writing or vice versa?

I definitely prefer writing because that’s where my love is. Editing is refining the statue that I made prior.

9. Talk briefly about your editing process and why you choose to use the process you do.

When I first start my editing process, I tend to type up what I’ve written by hand and go through and make sure the software translated it properly and while I’m doing this, I tend to do a first craft edit and add any additional scenes that I think are missing or rewrite anything that needs to be written at the time. After that, I like to go through and read it again just to see if I’m missing anything else or if anything that I changed when I rewrote something didn’t make sense. That’s when I go to my favorite piece of software for editing which is called ProWritingAid and I input my text there to see where some problem areas are that I can improve such as adjectives, diction and sentence length. This step really helps me to see what I’m doing wrong and what areas need improvement and where someone might have a little bit hard time reading things and then, I can make those improvements along with grammar checks and a few other things as well. At that point, I introduce beta readers to get some feedback from actual people and see where the problem areas are that need improvement for readability. After that’s all done and I’ve gone through with the ProWritingAid and fixed the grammar and small details, that’s when it goes off to the editor and it’s given a final proofread and often, a few other changes, before it’s sent off for publication.


So, that’s all the questions for now guys. I will be tagging Erika’s Words and Jenna The Dark One And I will put their channel links down below in the description. Revival Episode 3 is now available for anyone who has an ebook and I will be getting Revival Episode 4 up and available for preorder as soon as I have time. Videos will still be a little sparse but I’m working on getting back into my regular schedule once things start to settle down. If you haven’t checked out my Patreon yet, make sure to head over there, there’s always free ebooks and a few other world building things and behind the scenes aspects of my writing that I put up for my Patreons and I have my mailing list set up now so you can get a free ebook by signing up.

will put the link down below with all the others and I will talk to you guys later.

Answering editing related questions for the Authortube tag created by JulianGreystoke –

I’ll be tagging:
Erika’s Words –
JennaTheDarkOne –


1. What is your favourite thing about editing a manuscript?
2. What is your least favourite thing about editing a manuscript?
3. Would you prefer to edit a short story or a novel? Why?
4. How long does your editing process take (on average?)
5. What is the first thing you do when editing?
6. What is the last thing you do when editing?
7. Why does editing matter to you?
8. Do you prefer editing to writing or vice versa?
9. Talk briefly about your editing process and why you choose to use the process you do (justifications for taking one step before another.)


My Books:
Revival (Episode 3) is now available –

Revival (Episode 2) now available –

Get Revival (Episode 1) –

Get a FREE copy of Revival (Prologue) –


Other Links:
Join my mailing list for a FREE Short Story –


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Twitch Channel –

Go Not Gently by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (
Artist –

Trynda’s Bookbag | Top 5 TBR

[podcastplayer feed_url =’’ number=’1′ podcast_menu=” cover_image_url=” hide_cover=’true’ hide_description=’true’ filterby=’Top 5 TBR’ hide_search=’true’ hide_loadmore=’true’ ]


Hi everyone, Trynda here.

Today, I’m bringing you a TBR video and what to expect in the coming month for what I’m gonna be reading. It’s possible that things will squeeze in between these things but this is kind of the part I’m gonna be taking from the books that I want to read and that I really kind of think that will impact the things I’m going to be writing in the next future. For sure, you can expect this but if there’s any changes, you can find them in my Book Bag series and I will link that down below in the description. So, let’s get to it.

Right now, I’m reading Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman which you can find out a little bit about my reason behind it in the Book Bag series.

The next book I’m thinking of reading is the Lovecraft compendium by H.P. Lovecraft. Just because I want to get a fuel for a darker literature and things that might impact the way I write darker scenes and I think this will be a good one to kind of keep on my radar especially since it’s not too many pages and I can probably chew through it pretty quickly.

The next one after that is Victoria by Daisy Goodwin. The reason I wanna read this one is because I think Queen Victoria’s personality will be a good influence for Larathel who is my main character of On Fallen wings and you can find a little bit more about her in the work in progress tag that I did a videos back. Larathel is a very strong leader and so is Queen Victoria and I think there was a lot of similarities so, I think this will be a good book to read to kind of get my head in the mindset of Queen Victoria or a regal personality for my main character.

The next book I’d like to read after that would be the Wedding Shroud by Elizabeth Storrs. I’d like to read this one just so I can finish off a novella set in Ancient Rome and I think it will be a good book to kind of get my inspiration going for that as I do a few more edits on it and possibly add a few more scenes to make things make sense. Who knows? It may actually end up being a full like novel with the way that it’s going.

And after that, I’d like to read Way of Spears by Natalia Leigh. It’s been on my list to read for a while and I think it would be a good way to just kind of dip my toe into the high fantasy genre and get into it a little bit more.

And after that, I’d like to read Twilight of Avalon by Anna Elliot, the reason for this one is I wrote a novel about Tristan and Azold back in April for Camp NaNoWriMo and by the time I’m getting to that book, I’m likely going to get time to edit that novel and I’d like to get back into the head space of Tristan and Azold and their love story and a few other details surrounding that era and the mentality of thinking so, I really want to read that one and kind of get my head space back into that as I’m doing my edits for my Time to Let Go manuscript.

So that’s it for now guys, I will put all of the links in the description down below. If you liked what you saw, make sure to leave a like and subscribe to my channel and if you have any ideas or you’ve read these books or you have recommendations for me, then feel free to leave them in the comments down below. Revival Episode 2 is now available for purchase and you can also preorder Revival Episode 3.

Make sure to follow on my social medias and check out my Patreon if you want to know a little bit more about the behind the scenes stuff and some stuff that I’m working on outside of my YouTube videos.

I will talk to you guys later.

Referral Links:
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman –
The Lovecraft Compendium – by H. P. Lovecraft
Victoria by Daisy Goodwin –
Way of Spears by Natalia Leigh –
The Wedding Shroud (A Tale of Ancient Rome) by Elisabeth Storrs –
Twilight of Avalon: A Novel of Trystan & Isolde by Anna Elliott –


My Books:
Revival (Episode 3) is available for pre order –

Revival (Episode 2) now available –

Get Revival (Episode 1) –

Get a FREE copy of Revival (Prologue) –


Other Links:
Camp NaNoWriMo Camper Info –

Twitch Channel –


Join my mailing list for a FREE Short Story –


Official Website –
Patreon –
Twitter –
Facebook –
Goodreads –
Instagram –

Go Not Gently by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (
Artist –

Authortube Update | 04/07/2017

Hi everyone.

Trynda here, bringing you an update on what to expect on the channel and a few other things that you guys can go check out.

First off for videos on the channel, I did the voices of YA authortube tag, I also did the book bag video for Gone Girl and Neverwhere. As of this video, I’ve decided to set aside Gone Girl because I was not enjoying it whatsoever and I wasn’t even even reading it and I just wanted to move on to something I actually wanted to read so, goodbye Gone Girl.

Camp NaNoRiMo for July has officially kicked off and I am doing it. I have set a loose score of 30 hours of editing for On Fallen wings. Right now, I have written an additional chapter and I’m moving on to chapter 11 so, I think that’s 9 more chapters to go, six more chapters to go. I have to double check that number, I’m not sure. Hopefully after July, I will be able to get a schedule back in place and be able to get you guys content on more regular basis.

I’m going to be shooting a TBR video soon so you can that on the channel. If you’re interested in watching me play video games, I’ve started streaming Destiny Skyrim at some point. Possibly dark souls and Stardew valley on my Twitch channel so, I will link that with the other links down below and you can check that out. You can follow my Twitch channel to get notification when I start streaming or you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

I usually post something saying that I’m streaming. Revival (Episode 2) is now available and Revival (Episode 3) is available for preorder. If you’d like to preorder that one, I believe it’s coming out in July 16 and you can still get a free copy of Revival Prologue if you want to get a taste of what this series is like and I think that’s it for now.

If you like what you saw, make sure to click the like and subscribe button and turn on the little bell with notifications to make sure you always know when my videos go off.

If you’re curious about anything you’ve seen in my videos, you can leave a comment in the comment section down below or contact me on Twitter or Facebook or even on my Patreon and I’ll talk to you guys later.

Authortube Tag | Voices Of YA –

The Bookbag | Gone Girl & Neverwhere –

Giant AuthorTube Collab Playlist –


Revival (Episode 3) is available for pre order –

Revival (Episode 2) now available –

Get Revival (Episode 1) –

Get a FREE copy of Revival (Prologue) –


Other Links:
Camp NaNoWriMo Camper Info –

Twitch Channel –

Go Not Gently by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (

Authortube Tag | Voices Of YA

Hello everyone, Trynda here.

The tag I’m bringing you today is the Voices of YA initially started by Caitlin Lampard and I was tagged by the author, Natalia Lee, and I will link their channels down below in the description. So, let’s get in into the questions.

1. What draws you to YA?

What originally drew me to YA was the characters that came from seemingly normal lives getting pulled into these paranormal undergrounds that were woven through human society.

2. Describe your writing process. Do you like outlines and structure or you seeing where the story takes you?

Before I start writing, I tend to like to make an outline start in some character sheets and certain sheets just so I can get down some notes while I’m inspired and I have an idea of what I want for those characters. After i have my outline and my character sheets, I tend to write long hand and just see where the story takes me after that. So, I do a little bit of both.

3. How long have you been writing and where are you in your journey?

I’ve been writing since grade school and I’m at a point in my writing career where I’m writing my first full length novel and I’ve had a few short stories published not only by myself but also in a local journal called Voices put out by the late Winterpeg writers group.

4. What do you need to write. Coffee? Music? Etc.

I usually like to have coffee and something playing in the background whether it’s videos about DnD or video games or just music in general, I like to have something just to break the silence.

5. If you’re could offer one piece of advice to another writer other than don’t give up, what will it be?

I’ll say keep going and just put it pen to page, you can always go back and fix whatever you don’t like later.

6. What book still has you reeling from plot twist, No spoilers.

Revelations, book three of the blue blood series still has me reeling from some of the plot twist in it and I still remember it years after reading it. I was like wow

7. What books are you most anticipating for this year?

I’m not anticipating anything really just because i tend to read things a lot on the fly depending on what I’m researching or what I feel like reading at the moment.

8. In your opinion, which YA book/ series has the most unique premise?

I really think blue bloods was unique because they tied the fallen angel myth in with the vampire myth and I thought it was an interesting take on the two myths.

What is your all-time favorite quote from YA lit?

May the odds be ever in your favour. Hunger games.

9. What book do you most hope will have a movie adaptation?

I’ll like to see the book or the series Vampire Plagues made into a movie because I thought there was a neat idea where two Victorian kids were trying to stop the mind focused vampires..,

So that’s it for now guys. The two authors that I’m tagging for these video are Kim S. Good on YouTube and Winter Beauty on instagram. If you liked what you saw and you wanna get more videos like it, make sure to leave a like on this video and subscribe for more. If you want to take yourself to this video or would like to leave me a tag then feel free to do so in the Comment section down below. All the others that I’ve mentioned in the video, I will put their links in the description down below. Revival Episode 2 is now available for purchase and you can also get Revival episode three for preorder now.

So, I’ll link those in the cards and the description as well and I will talk to you guys later.

Authortuber who tagged me:
Natalia Leigh –

Original tag:
Caitlin Lambert –

Kim S. Goode –

WinterBeauti –


What draws you to YA?
Describe your writing process. Do you like outlines and structure, or seeing where the story takes you?
How long have you been writing? Where are you in your journey?
What do you need to write? Coffee? Music?
If you could offer one piece of advice to another writer (OTHER THAN don’t give up!), what would it be?

What book still has you reeling from its plot twist? (*no spoilers please*)
What books are you most anticipating for this year?
In your opinion, which YA book/series has the most unique premise?
What is your all-time favourite quote from YA lit (I know, I’m cruel)?
What book do you most hope will have a movie adaption?

Referral Links:
Blue Bloods (Books I-III) –

Vampire Plagues: London 1850 –

Revelations: A Blue Bloods Novel –

Go Not Gently by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (

Trynda’s Bookbag | Gone Girl & Neverwhere

[podcastplayer feed_url =’’ number=’1′ podcast_menu=” cover_image_url=” hide_cover=’true’ hide_description=’true’ filterby=’Gone Girl & Neverwhere’ hide_search=’true’ hide_loadmore=’true’ ]


Hey everyone.

Trynda here, Bringing you a Book bag video about Fahrenheit 451, Gone Girl And Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.

I really enjoyed Fahrenheit 451 and I thought that it had a lot of interesting parallels to our modern day society even though it was written back in the 50s.

And if you’re interested in how technology impacts the way we’re in trap with the world, I would definitely recommend it for you.

The first book I’m going to talk about is Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.

I’m having a hard time getting through it because I don’t like Amy’s character, I didn’t like her in the movie and I don’t like her in the book because she’s just an untrustworthy person and untrustworthy people just don’t sit well with me.

And that just makes me drag through the scenes that they’re in.

I’m really enjoying Nick’s perspectives and seeing Nick and Amy’s perspective side by side are really interesting and I’m looking forward to seeing how Gillian pulled off the ending.

So, I am looking forward to finishing it, I just have to push through the scenes that I find that I don’t like very much.

And next on my reading list is Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.

I’ve heard a lot about Neverwhere and I’ve never had a chance to read any of Neil’s work so, I though that this will be a good chance to familiarize myself with the urban fantasy with only a little bit more outside of the paranormal fantasy with vampires that I’m usually reading.

So, that’s it for now guys.

If you like what you saw, make sure to leave a like and subscribe to my channel for more videos.

If you’d like to suggest some books for me to read in the future, feel free to leave them in the comments down below.

By the time you’re seeing this, Revival Episode 2 will be available for Patreons for free and to purchase via Amazon or your favorite distributor.

I will put in link in the cards and down below in the description so, make sure to check all of that out and I will talk to you guys later.

Referral Links
Fahrenheit 451:

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn:



Past Bookbag
The Bookbag | SPQR & Gone Girl:


Revival (Episode 2) now available:

Get Revival (Episode 1):

Get a FREE copy of Revival (Prologue):


Giant AuthorTube Collab Playlist:


Go Not Gently by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (

Update | 27/05/2017

Hi everyone.

Trynda here, bringing you an update video about what I’ve been up to in the last month.

Oh my god, I didn’t realize how quickly time went by.

Sorry about the late video this late week, I got a little caught up working on Revival Episode 2’s release, it releases on May 29th if you haven’t checked it out already and I will put a link in the cards and also in the description down below.

I also jut finished recording my Bookbag video so, if you haven’t caught up on what I’m reading, I’m currently reading Gone Girl and I will put a like to my previous video in the cart.

You can expect to see that in the coming few days so, keep an eye out on my channel for that video.

I also recorded a authortube tag for my Work In Progress on Fallen Wings which you can check out in the link down below or in the carts.

And for those of you wondering about my Smartpen, I put a video up about that as well so, make sure to check that out at the links provided.

If you’re not a Patron, then make sure to head over to my Patreon and check that out.

I put up some stuff this week for my Patreons such as Revival prologue, Revival Episode 1 And Revival Episode 2 will be going out for Patreons free soon as it’s launched so you guys can expect to see that soon.

I also put up some world building stuff for Patreons so, make sure to check that out.

There might be something that you want to catch up on or maybe get some free e-books while you’re at it and it might be what you’re looking for.

So, make sure to check out my Patreon, I will put links in the cards and the description just like everything else.

The author-collab is also still going on so, I will keep linking those.

I’ve been hard at work on my website so, if you haven’t had a chance to check it out, then make sure to have a look and subscribe to my mailing list if that’s something that you’re interested in.

I don’t send out emails too often but I will let you know when there’s a new release or something upcoming that is important.

So, that’s it for now guys and I will talk to you guys later.

Authortube | WIP Tag:

Method To My Madness | The Smartpen:

The Bookbag | SPQR & Gone Girl:

Revival (Episode 2) now available:

Get Revival (Episode 1):

Get a FREE copy of Revival (Prologue):

Giant AuthorTube Collab Playlist:

Go Not Gently by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (

Authortube WIP Tag

Hi everyone, Trynda here.

Since I’m working on typing up and editing my first drafting of my current work in progress, I thought this would be a great tag to do today. Originally, this tag was done by Jesse Eliot and I will link her channel down below so, I will go ahead and get to the questions now.

1. What is the working title of your book?

My current working title is On Fallen wings, I know it’s gonna have to change because it’s not really about falling angels primarily anymore, it’s a little bit more complicated now so, it’s gonna have to change eventually.

2. Where did the idea for your book come from?

The idea for On Fallen wings kind of spun from my curiosity of why Polytheistic religions gave way to Monotheistic religions that we have today.

3. What genre does your book fall under?

I would say that my book is a genre hybrid of urban fantasy and apocalyptic adventure.

4. Which actors would you choose to play in your movie rendition?

I’m not sure about Larathel but I do know that Lucifer will be played by Tom Hiedelson, Pymon by Blake Britson and masmore will be played by Tilda Swindon.

5. What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?

Raised by a cursed under guardian of her life, Larathel just wanted to be a normal human being and go to college. When the dark part she didn’t know she had cane for her, that dream turned into a distant memory, not quite one sentence but it’s close.

6. Will your book be self published or represented by an agency?

I will definitely be self publishing my book.

7. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

I wrote the first draft of On Fallen wings in November of 2016 so It took me exactly 31 days to write it.

8. What other books would you compare the story to?

I haven’t really read any books that compare to what I’m working but I have read online that revelation by randy collie Wilson is quite similar.

9. Who or what inspired you to write the book?

My friend and author (2:53) and my love of history, religion and fantasy inspired me to write On fallen wings.

10.What else about your book might pick the reader’s interest?

If you like dark themes, fallen angels and gods, you’ll probably like this novel.


I’m tagging Natalia Leigh, Victoria Griffi, Breeze, reading, writing and life and Kenzy Stanley and I will link all of their channels for you down below for you in the description. So that’s it for now guys. If you liked what you saw make sure to like the video and subscribe for more like them. You can now preorder Revival Episode 2 from any major distributors.

I will put the link down below for you guys and I’ll talk to you later.

Feel free to answer these questions yourself in the comments, or make your own video!

Original Video: Author Jessi Elliott –

Tagged AuthorTubers:
Natalia Leigh –
Victoria Griffin –
Brie’s Reading, Writing, & Life –
Kenzie Staley –

  1. What is the working title of your book?
  2. Where did the idea come from for your book?
  3. What genre does your book fall under?
  4. Which actors would you choose to play in your movie rendition?
  5. What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
  6. Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
  7. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
  8. What other books would you compare this story to?
  9. Who or what inspired you to write the book?
  10. What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Tyra Masters-Heinrichs:

Revelation by Randi Cooley Wilson:

Giant AuthorTube Collab Playlist:

Go Not Gently by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (

Method To My Madness | The Smartpen

Hi everyone.

Trynda here, now that camp NaNoWriMo’s done, I thought that I’d bring you a video talking about my smart pen.

If this is the first video of mine you’re watching, then welcome to my channel. I am a writer primarily known for my post apocalyptic series, revival, and I am known for writing long hand.

I find writing long hand helps me get past writers’ block and it cuts off the distractions that I would have on the computer. So, I really like writing long hand and I’d be doing it anyways.

The one that I specifically use is the Livescribe 3 and I’m going to tell you a little bit more about it, how it works for me and some of its pros and cons.

I feel like I should preface all these by saying that I’m not sponsored by Livescribe, I just enjoy using their product.

First, I’ll start with how the Livescribe 3 pen works.

It basically has a camera in the tip of the pen that when you press down on its specific live scribe paper, it records your pen strokes as you write where you can convert it to text or convert it to a PDF. And that’s how I mostly use it. I use it to write up full manuscripts and export those to text files where I edit them and type them up. So what’s different about the Livescribe pens is that they use a specific dot pattern on the actual page to tell where your ink is.

The biggest downside to the Livescribe 3 pen is its app. Most of the time, I’m fighting to get my text of off the app, it crashes a lot and sometimes you lose sync for no reason and that’s the biggest downfall I find to this pen. Some things to keep in mind also is that the Livecsribe three pen is quite bigger than most but I find it useful really quickly.

I don’t know if it’s necessary a pro or a con but one thing I have noticed is the neater you write, the better your text file is going to come out. So, if you have a lot of scribbles or you’re writing a little sloppy that day, then you are going to see the computers having a hard time converting it into text and some of the words will come out jumbled and that is something I have noticed does take up some time editing after, but the amount of time I save with having the bulk of it typed up already into text that I can edit, it really balances out the amount of time I spend cutting out those gibberish paragraph and stuff that just don’t make sense and a large part, I do rewrite as I go back anyways as my editing process.

So, I do go along and I do a fast edit as I go because then, I’m catching a few things as I go along like plot holes and other things like that. I’ll definitely recommend this pen to anyone who’s looking to cut down on how much they type up after writing long hand.

So, that’s it for now guys, if you enjoyed this video, make sure to leave a like and if you want to see more videos from me, make sure to subscribe to my channel.

If you have any questions or you want me to explain a little bit more, feel free to leave a comment down below with Mother’s Day coming up, I always recommend my short story, Revival prologue. It is a post apocalyptic short story available for free where you follow a mother and daughter through the world after they leave their bomb shelter and if you haven’t checked out my Patreon, make sure to check that out, there’s always awesome stuff going up there and I’m going to be putting up a short story soon so, keep an eye out on those and I will talk to you guys later.

Get a free copy of Revival (Prologue):

Get Revival (Episode 1):

Livescribe 3:


Giant AuthorTube Collab Playlist:

Go Not Gently by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (

Camp NaNoWriMo | Final Update

Hi everyone, Trynda here.

Bringing you a quick update on how I did on camp NaNoWriMo and somethings I’m gonna be working on in the coming future and what to expect on the channel soon.

So, I didn’t manage to make my work count. I was 1000 short on April 30th, on the 29th, I managed to write 2000 words and then on the 30th, I managed to write another 4000 I think, I was still a thousand off on my final word count but I managed to get that in the next day and I finished my first draft anyways of Time to let go so, I’ve got no problem with that win. Sort of win?

So with camp NaNoWriMo done, I’ve been trying to get my reading and editing back on track.

I’ve been reading Fahrenheit 451 and I’m really enjoying it so far, I’m almost done, I’ve been reading on the bus so, it’s a little bit slow and then, I will get back to Gone Girl after that.

And while I’m reading, I am also editing On Fallen wings and getting back into the swing of getting that typed up, and hopefully we’ll be ready to get it out to beta readers soon. In terms of videos, you guys can expect to see a BookBag video soon once I’m a little farther into Gone Girl and I’m also going to be putting up a video about my pen soon. I had a few people asking me during camp NaNoWriMo so I thought I’ll do a video kind of talking about it and some of its downfalls and some of the things that I like so, you can expect to see those coming soon.

The Authortube collab videos are still going up so, I’m gonna make sure to link that playlist down below for you guys so you can check that out if you haven’t already. I believe they’re gonna be going until the middle of June so, keep an eye out for those. I will be posting them on Twitter and making sure you guys know about them. I’ve been thinking of doing my other update videos like this so, if you guys like this format with the vlog style then let me know and I will find you more like these in the future.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out my Patreon, make sure to head over there and have a look. I put up behind the scenes stuff, I’m also gonna be putting up some free short stories for my Patreons so you can expect those soon.

I think that’s it for now guys, if you want to let me know how you did in camp NaNoWriMo, I’d love to hear in the comments down below. Make sure to like this video and subscribe for more videos from me.

I will talk to you guys later and I hope you had a good camp at NaNoWriMo.

Camp NaNoWriMo camper info:

Giant AuthorTube Collab Playlist:

Go Not Gently by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (

Giant AuthorTube Collab | What is your favorite Character & type of story?

Hi everyone, Trynda here.

Bringing you a Giant Authortube Collab video today. The questions we’re going to be answering are: What is your favorite type of story and of the characters you’ve created, who’s your favorite? I’m going to go ahead and say that of the characters I’ve created, my favorite character is a celestial messenger named Mastima. She is the messenger of justice and she’s got this huge robotic wing that serves as a prosthetic for one that she lost.

Sade: Hey everyone. Sade Rena here and my most favorite character that I’ve ever written or created is a character in my current work in progress, I don’t want to give his name out yet but he is immortal, he is mysterious and he is bad ass, on top of that, he’s sexy. So, yeah. He’s my most favorite character.

Jessica: My favorite character would have to be Scarlet Summers because I’m saving her head the most and Angeline’s a close second because of how she’s sassy.

Amber: Hi guys. Amber Craft. Now, the character that I’ve created that is by far my favorite is Semi in Unknown love. She is the princess of Aver Carina people and she comes down to watch her brothers’ descendants, she says it like it is, she does what she wants, she doesn’t care what people think and yes, she is fiercely protective and loyal and misses home so much but won’t let anyone see it though. She is by far a kickass woman.

Morgan: My favorite character that I have ever created would have to be Princess Gabrielle of Brovalian. She was the main character in the first novel that I’ve ever written and she is just, she’s head strong, she’s loyal, she’s fierce, and she always fights for what she believes in. Well, I didn’t have that strength to write a character that embodied something that I wanted to be in my own life just puts her at the top of…

Suzanne: I can’t really pick a defendant favorite but Saver Tooth was the first character who ever like spoke to me so, he has a special place in my heart but perhaps, my favorite character just in a way that I’ve created her and in a way that she kind of stuck around is Avert Winshaw, she was originally a character in a book that I completely scraped but I liked her character so much that I changed the name of the character in my current work in progress and kind of morphed the two together so that’s Avert Winshaw.

Amy: Hey everyone. Amy here and my character I eve wrote was Elrada, he is a Japanese by the second book but in my first book, he was just a tea merchant and he’s quite fun, he’s really into Japanese tradition and culture so, I have such a fun time like writing about it to write him in his different scenarios even though he is crazy. Crazy Mob boss.

Lauren: Hi. I’m Lauren Cook’s books and I love writing on all the forms but I especially love writing in script and novella. I’ve written scripts that get so much information so visual in the written form and it’s just beautiful and with novellas, I feel like I can get a lot more into account with the short story but it’s still a lot more reliant on the reader’s own view than the novel…

Trynda: I really enjoy writing short stories for the ability to write short snippets of a character’s backstory that wouldn’t otherwise be able to make it into a full length plot of a novel.

Jessica: My favorite would have to be novel writing because you can do so much more with it than you can with a short story or with flash fiction.

So, that’s it for now guys, I’m going to put links down below to everyone’s channels, I’ll also include a link to the playlist that has everyone’s videos in it. If you enjoyed the video, make sure you leave a like and a comment down below so we can hear what you have to say and make sure to subscribe to our channel so you can keep getting videos from us and I will talk to you guys later.

Don’t forget to subscribe to these amazing people! Their channels are linked below.

Check out other Giant AuthorTube Collab videos:…

Participating Channels:

Victoria Griffin –
Jo Linsdell –
Jessica Samuels –
Kim Goode –
Samantha Jayne Grubey –
Sarah Wright –
Stephen Alff (Alffbooks) –
Kelly A Willard –
Sade Rena –
Amy tasukada –
Suzanne Wdowik –
Wulfie (Silly Little Ravenclaw) –
Beckie Bookworm-
Lauren (cooku2019s books)
Morgan Lee (Literally Unperfect)-
Tamara Woods-
Trynda E. Adair –

Go Not Gently by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (

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