Official Website of Trynda E. Adair

Tag: Giveaway

Revival (Debriefed) Giveaway!

To celebrate reaching a few Follower Milestones on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram I’m doing a giveaway of Revival (Debriefed) until The end of April.

To get your free copy head over to the following link –

Manuscript Chat | The Bindings

Hi everyone, Trynda here.

Today, I’m bringing you a Manuscript Chat where I will be talking about the bindings and essentially what the bindings are is a set of universal rules that apply to all beings within the universe and that includes the Elohim, the messengers, mortals like us and really everyone who falls within the scope of the universe.

So there are basically two prime bindings which are:

  • none shall destroy what they did not create
  • none shall create without free will.

So, that’s basically the foundation for the bindings and then there’s a lot of little tiny adaptations on top of those ones to also apply to different mortals and different beings and then other creatures that came along afterwards that didn’t necessarily fall within the original scope of the bindings which would have been the Elohim. So there’s a little bit of ambiguity when it comes to the bindings and the Elohim.

They are not really sure who put them in place, it could have been Elhreal or they could have existed when they got into the celestial plane from the get go. It was not really established who put them in place because Elhreal kind of keeps it a mystery whether or not he knows who created them and this is not purposely so anyone who’s looking to manipulate the bindings for malicious purposes has a harder time of actually doing that because they’re there to keep the advent flow of the universe in check.

The Bindings themselves are sort of like living and non living entities that invoke punishments and jailers and they also exist to feed magical energy to the mortal plane and that’s really also kind of like their non living purpose, they’re not really doing it consciously, it’s kind of just an effect of how the planes are joined together.

If you’re powerful enough and this is usually only the Elohim and I think Lucifer as well, you can actually see the red sigil that anchors the bindings to the different planes. So, during the Elohim’s recorded history, if you could call it that, there’s not really a lot of records where the bindings are really invoked and I think this is because more or less, the Elohim aren’t really malicious and aren’t looking to do things that would break the bindings, the only two times were with Lilith when she was betrayed by Iaida and the other time was when Larathel defeated Gabrielle and it was kind of a unsettling feeling that everyone got when this kind of happened because Elohim are not meant to break the bindings, they’re supposed to be the best of the best.

So, I think that’s it for now guys. If you like this video make sure to leave a like and subscribe to my channel for more. If you want to see a specific topic covered in Manuscript Chat, make sure to leave a comment in the comment section down below. I will be putting the Manuscript Chat world bible sheet over on my Patreon for my one dollar Patrons so, make sure to check out my Patreon if haven’t already.

There’s still a few giveaways going on until the end of December so, make sure to check out the links below and the description for those over on insta freebie and I think I’ll talk to you guys later.

Back with another Manuscript Chat, this episode I’m talking about The Bindings, rules which govern over the Elohim Universe and those who reside within.

Previous Manuscript Chat Video:
Manuscript Chat | Lilith, First of the Betrayed –

Free Dystopian and Post-Apocalyptic Giveaway –

Small Horrors Giveaway –

My Books:
Get a FREE copy of Revival (Prologue) –

Get Revival (Episode 1) –

Revival (Episode 2) –

Revival (Episode 3) –

Revival (Episode 4) is now available –

Other Links:
Join my mailing list for a FREE Short Story –

Become one of my Patrons for only $1 –

Official Website –
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Goodreads –
Instagram –
Instafreebie –
Twitch Channel –
NaNoWriMo account –

Go Not Gently by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (
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Trynda’s Bookbag | The Lovecraft Compendium & Twilight Of Avalon

[podcastplayer feed_url =’’ number=’1′ podcast_menu=” cover_image_url=” hide_cover=’true’ hide_description=’true’ filterby=’The Lovecraft Compendium & Twilight Of Avalon’ hide_search=’true’ hide_loadmore=’true’ ]


Hi everyone.

Trynda here, today I’m going be bringing you a book bag video where I talk about HP Lovecraft, the Lovecraft Compendium as well as Twilight of Avalon by Anna Elliot.

I started reading the Lovecraft Compendium back in October sometime and I finished it up at the beginning of November and I just haven’t had a chance to shoot a video for it. But I didn’t really enjoy it as much as I thought I would, I really couldn’t connect with a lot of the characters because they just seemed to talk down to other cultures and it didn’t really sit well with me, I knew going into HP Lovecraft Compendium, what kind of writer he was and I thought that I could kind of get past it but it really just stuck with me and rub me the wrong way. I like how he often chose academically driven characters that were interested to know more about this culture of this like squid monsters but they always came off condescending and just downright disrespectful to other cultures and that didn’t sit well with me even remotely. I think of the short stories that were included in this collection, I really like The Call Of Cthulhu the best, it still had those same things that I didn’t really enjoy very much from the others but for the most part, that was really the only one I enjoyed and near the end, I was kind of just pushing through just to be done with it because I wasn’t enjoying it at that point.

All in all, I’m glad to have read this Lovecraft compendium but it didn’t really sit well with me and I probably won’t read H.P. Lovecraft’s work again.

So now that I’m done with the Lovecraft compendium, I’m actually going to be reading Twilight of Avalon by Anna Elliot instead of Victoria and this is because I’m going to be working on the draft for Time to let go instead of On Fallen wings and I wanted something that had more of a Tristan in his old field because that’s what the main characters are kind of based off of in my work in progress and not so much of a strong queen-like female protagonist that On Fallen wings has. I really wanted to get my head in the Tristan in his old theme so, that’s why I’m going to be going with this one instead.

So, I think that’s it for now guys, if you like this video, make sure to leave a like and subscribe to my channel for more like them. If you have a recommendation that you’d like me to check out, then feel free to leave a comment down below. And I’ll leave links to all the books that I mentioned here today. And I think that’s it.

So, I’ll talk to you guys next time.

Back with another Book bag video after finishing The Lovecraft Compendium in November. In this episode I talk about my thoughts on The Lovecraft Compendium and Twilight Of Avalon jumping to the next book I’ll be reading.

Books Mentioned:
The Lovecraft Compendium – by H. P. Lovecraft

Twilight of Avalon: A Novel of Trystan & Isolde by Anna Elliott –

Previous Book Bag Video:
The Bookbag | Neverwhere & H. P. Lovecraft Compendium –

The Bookbag | Top 5 TBR –

25 Days of Box Sets Giveaway – DYSTOPIAN / SURVIVAL / POST-APOCALYPTIC –

Small Horrors Giveaway –

My Books:
Revival (Episode 4) is now available –

Revival (Episode 3) –

Revival (Episode 2) –

Get Revival (Episode 1) –

Get a FREE copy of Revival (Prologue) –

Other Links:
Join my mailing list for the FREE Short Story Inhuman Bonds –

Become one of my Patrons for only $1 –

Official Website –
Twitter –
Facebook –
Goodreads –
Instagram –
Instafreebie –
NaNoWriMo –
Twitch Channel –

Go Not Gently by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (
Artist –

Monthly Update | 05/12/2017

Hi everyone, Trynda here.

I’m coming with you with the monthly update from outside of the chapters in Polo Park festival, I was gonna shoot inside but then I realized that there was copywritten music so, I decided not to do that.

So, you probably notice during the month of November that the videos were a little sparse, that is because of how far I fell behind in NaNoWriMo.

(I will put a graph of my stats somewhere over here so you guys can take a look at that.)

At one point I think I was about 10000 words behind or something but I managed to catch up and actually claim a win so, that was a victory in my part but unfortunately the channel kind of fell on the way side but we will be getting back into videos coming in December.

If you’re looking out to check out some videos and you haven’t actually checked out the Manuscript Chat about Lilith who is the first of the betrayed, make sure to go ahead and check that out and videos will be coming soon so, keep an eye out for those. Right now, I’m working on some short stories, one for the Manitoba Writer’s Guild as well as my Patreon Patrons so, keep an eye out for that and now that NaNoWriMo is over.

I’m gonna be getting back to one of my works in progress and I’m actually going to be looking at Time To Let Go.

I got a great idea for a scene NaNoWriMo in the last week so I thought, fuck it, I’m gonna put On Fallen wings to the way side since I haven’t been able to write the sequel and the last book in the series so, I’m gonna wait until I have all three in the series before I start releasing that one just because I don’t want people to have to wait between books. So, you guys can expect to see some Time To Let Go related videos coming up soon because I will be working through an edit on that because I wrote the draft back in April during camp NaNoWriMo. So, I will be working on that now instead of On Fallen wings just because I want to get it published and out for everyone to read then, it just makes more sense than On Fallen Wings right now so, I will keep you updated.

Patreon was also a little sparse because of NaNoWriMo but you can expect to see some short stories and a few other worldbuilding goodies coming up soon so keep an eye out for that if you’re one of my Patreons. There are also a few more giveaways going on till the end of the year, we have the short horror, as well as the 25 days box set which is the Dystopian survival and post apocalyptic books.

So I think that’s it for now guys, I will leave all the links in the descriptions down below and if you like this video, make sure to leave a like and subscribe to more videos like them and I’ll be returning to the channel a little more frequently in the next coming week so hit the little bell for notifications for videos of mine and I will see you guys later.

Previous Videos:
Manuscript Chat | Lilith, First of the Betrayed –

Monthly Update | 07/11/2017 –

25 Days of Box Sets Giveaway – DYSTOPIAN / SURVIVAL / POST-APOCALYPTIC –

Small Horrors Giveaway –

My Books:
Revival (Episode 4) is now available –

Revival (Episode 3) –

Revival (Episode 2) –

Get Revival (Episode 1) –

Get a FREE copy of Revival (Prologue) –

Other Links:
Close up of NaNoWriMo Graph –

Become one of my Patrons for only $1 –

Join my mailing list for the FREE Short Story Inhuman Bonds –

Monthly Update | 07/11/2017

Hey Everyone.

Trynda here, Today, I’m doing a video from Garbage Hill as we call it in Winnipeg.

I can’t remember the actual name of the park, I’ll put it in the bottom of the video.

It’s windy and cold so, I’m going to make this quick.

This week on the channel, we have the Manuscript Chat about the Messenger, we have the Method To My Madness about podcast and the All Hallows Write Tag.

On Patron, we have the Revival (Episode 4) short story that went out from Patrons and we also have the Dead Witch Walking short story as well.

For those of you who want to get in on the Revival (Episode 4) action, I will put a link down below where you can buy it on Amazon, Smashwords and basically everywhere else that you want to get it.

We have a few giveaways going on right now, there is the Short horror giveaway which is a collection of horror paranormal short stories.

We also have the dystopian and post-apocalyptic short story collection as well and I will put both links in the description down below.

As some of you may know, for my other videos, I am doing NaNoWriMo, right now, I’m sitting at about 8,000 words, I’m a little bit behind but I will hopefully catch up over the weekend and I’m sure I’ll have another video out for you guys next week about my progress.

I am also going to be putting up a Manuscript Chat this week as well, it’s just going to be up a little later in the week since I fell so far behind in NaNoWriMo and I made up this weekend for the most part.

So, I will get it done as soon as possible and I think that’s it for now guys.

I’ve got to go warm up so, if you like this video, make sure to leave a like and subscribe for more and if you haven’t checked out my Patron and my NaNoWriMo account, feel free to check out the links down below and I will talk to you guys later.

October Videos:
Manuscript Chat | The Messengers –

Method To My Madness | Podcasts –

Authortube All Hallows Write Tag –

Free Dystopian and Post-Apocalyptic Giveaway –

Small Horrors Giveaway –

My Books:
Revival (Episode 4) is now available –

Revival (Episode 3) –

Revival (Episode 2) –

Get Revival (Episode 1) –

Get a FREE copy of Revival (Prologue) –

Other Links:
Join my mailing list for a FREE Short Story –

Become one of my Patrons for only $1 –

NaNoWriMo account –

Official Website –
Twitter –
Facebook –
Goodreads –
Instagram –
Instafreebie –
Twitch Channel –

Method To My Madness | Podcasts

Hey everyone, Trynda here.

Today, I’m bringing you a Method To My Madness about podcast. I thought I would do this video instead of something about character sheets or outlining because everyone’s kind of doing that for NaNoWriMo already and I wanted to talk about stuff that gets me out of the slump when I’m writing and I just don’t feel like writing anymore.

So, I’ll get right into it then.

I’ll start first off with the Dead Robot Society Podcast. Dead Robot Society is hosted by the authors Terry Mickson and Paul E. Coole, listening to these two talk about writing always gets me back in the mood to start working on my manuscripts and start treating my work like it’s actually important and getting me out of those slumps when I just don’t feel like writing. The both of them are really funny and they have a very good dynamic together so, I’ll definitely recommend this if you’re looking for any podcast and you haven’t heard of them yet.

The next one I’m going to talk about is the Story Grid Podcast. It’s a podcast hosted by author and editor, Shawn Coin, and author Tim Crawl. These two go back and forth talking about story structure and story craft while team Tim works on his first fiction work. So, it’s a vey good podcast to learn about terminology and concepts that you might not have known about. And it sometimes makes you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing but at the same time, they talk a lot about topics that you don’t think you know but realize that you do know after listening to them especially Shawn explaining how authors go about writing stories and it’s really helpful. I find when I feel lost and I’m not sure where there’s a problem with my manuscript.

The next one I’m going to talk about is the Creative Penn hosted by Joanna Penn. The Creative Penn is a podcast that kind of touches all the basis that an Hindi author comes across while they’re publishing and marketing and doing all the things that they have to do to get their book into the world. I really like Joanna’s podcast because she’s got lots of industry news that I wouldn’t hear about otherwise and she has lots of different guests on that give a lot of different points of view and really get you thinking about things that you wouldn’t otherwise or give you knowledge about tools that you wouldn’t have known if you didn’t listen to the podcast. I found quite a few different handy tools through Joanna and the other podcasts and I really think that all three of these podcasts are really good at helping writers find different avenues to get their books into the world.

The next one’s a a bit new to me and that is the Sell More Books Podcast hosted by Jim Cockerel and Brian Cohen. I recently found out about them through the Creative Penn podcast, I started listening to them to find better ways to market my books and this podcast I found really helpful for finding out about different areas of the industry and market place like create space and KPD select that I just don’t have experience with because I don’t have a book that’s published through them. So, I found it very helpful for things that I just don’t have experience for and learning new things about marketing that I wouldn’t have learned otherwise.

The last two I’m going to talk about aren’t really writing related and that is the Joe Rogan podcast and Rooster Teeth Podcast. I listen to these two podcasts because they have a wide variety of topics that aren’t writing related and they have a lot of different perspectives that I think is good to get the juices flowing for creativity and they have a comedic theme to them so, it’s cheerful and light and often quite funny. So, I think those two podcasts are really good because they don’t really hold anything back and they don’t have a specific aim other than entertainment. I definitely recommend it for anyone who’s looking to get some ideas or the juices flowing for brainstorming because they have a lot of different content that kind of suites a wide variety of people.

So, I think that’s if for now guys, make sure to like and subscribe to my channel if you like this video. Revival Episode 4 is still available for preorder, it launches on November 1st so, make sure to check out the link for that. Patrons can expect to see Revival Episode 4 within a week and there’s also some worldbuilding content that went up this last week for them so, make sure to check that out below if that’s something that you’re interested in. I reached 300 followers on my Twitter recently so, I decided to do a giveaway, by the time you’re seeing this video, the giveaway should be active. So, check out the link below for my insta freebie profile and you can get all the books available for free right now all in the same place.

I’d love to hear what you guys are listening to for podcasts so, leave them down below in the comments and I will talk to you guys later.

Dead Robots Society –

The Story Grid Podcast –

The Creative Penn Podcast –

The Sell More Books Podcast –

The Joe Rogan Podcast –

The Rooster Teeth Podcast –

Previous Method To My Madness Video:
Method To My Madness | #Hashtags –

300 Twitter Follower Celebration Giveaway:

My Books:
Pre-Order Revival (Episode 4) today –

Revival (Episode 3) is now available –

Revival (Episode 2) available –

Get Revival (Episode 1) –

Get a FREE copy of Revival (Prologue) –

Other Links:
Join my mailing list for a FREE Short Story –

Official Website –
Patreon –
Twitter –
Facebook –
Goodreads –
Instagram –
Instafreebie –
Twitch Channel –

Go Not Gently by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (
Artist –